ENLIGHTEN UP! a blogSelf-awareness stories: lighting our way to clarity, contentment and resilience in a complicated world.
ENLIGHTEN UP! a blogSelf-awareness stories: lighting our way to clarity, contentment and resilience in a complicated world.
"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought." - Albert Einstein. Creativity is defined as an experience where something new and unique is formed. It might be an idea, a piece of art, a recipe, or trying out a new self-care routine. That’s the definition but the process of how you manifest your something new is a journey. It’s what takes you from the spark of inspiration to your final result. And that process can be messy, frustrating, soul-filling, exhausting, exciting, complex and self-actualizing. Your creative process and your creation are like your fingerprint. It’s going to be different from anyone else’s because the spark that sets off your process is filtered through your unique perspective, your talent, your experiences and your skills. I think that’s what Einstein meant by his quote. Turns out creativity is an essential part of being human. According to Psychology Today, being creative fosters resilience, sparks joy, and provides opportunities for self-actualization. Therefore, it’s important to your well-being to figure out the role of creativity in your life. Mine manifests in two ways, movement and words. I love to move – walking, creating new sequences for my yoga classes and dancing like no-one is watching or even if someone is. And writing is my creative heart. I write fiction and personal growth non-fiction for mainstream audiences. People who embody the core quality of creativity share some important traits and habits. According to the research, creative people balance intense energy with quiet rest, playfulness with discipline, fantasy with reality, and passion with objectivity. They are curious and more open to new ideas and experiences. And yes, some people do seem to be more creative than others. This is said to be due to three factors; brain, personality, and life experience. Science points to three brain networks that influence and produce creative thought. And of course, they work together and influence each other.
In terms of personality, ask yourself:
Openness, change and novelty are said to help the brain forge new connections and perhaps activate the brain networks that encourage creativity. And, of course your life experience will also influence your creativity. If your creative impulses were encouraged by your family, friends and life experiences you are fortunate. If that was not true for you but you keep an internal spark of self-awareness and resilience around you, you will be able to persevere, protect and allow your creativity to flourish in spite of any challenges. Once you find your unique style of creativity you will need to guard against those who would negate, oppose or stifle it. The first time I faced this was in the third grade. The teacher told us a story about a princess who loved a handsome commoner. Her father, the king, disapproved and had her lover imprisoned to await trial in the public colosseum. When the day came, the young man stood in the center. On either side of him were two doors. Behind one was a tiger who would kill him. Behind the other was a woman he would be forced to marry. The princess was told she would decide his fate. Either way she would lose him. The young man looked at the princess. She pointed to the door on the right. The story leaves the ending to the reader: "And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door – the lady, or the tiger?" Our assignment was to choose. Several of my classmates chose the lady, others chose the tiger. I let my creative flag fly and said she chose the door with the tiger but as the tiger rushed to kill her lover, the princess pulled a dagger from her cape and plunged it into her heart so they would be together in heaven. I thought my ending was creative. My teacher didn’t. She was a former nun and read me the riot act about suicide; an unforgiveable sin resulting in an eternity in hell. I was shocked and surprised by her reaction but because of my internal spark of self-awareness and resilience I was not crushed. If you are already in tune with your creativity and the way it flows through your life you are fortunate indeed but if you need to jumpstart your creative journey, the new year is a perfect time to start. Research tells us that creativity is a skill. It can be learned. It’s applying what you know and experience in a different way. Encourage your creative spark to burn brightly by finding the subject, ideas or issue that ‘floats your boat’ and brings you joy or find the courage to change your normal routine, step outside of your comfort zone, and pay attention to the present moment. Understanding your personal way of being creative will go a long way to helping you find clarity, contentment and resilience in the complicated world we all share. Here is a practice to try. It’s called, ‘What Might Happen If - - - .’ What Might Happen If - - -
Now it’s your turn to fill in the blank
Each and every one of us needs to embody the quality of creativity. As you move into this new year, take the creativity challenge, learn what it means in your life, and share it with others who support you.
January 2025
AuthorBETH GIBBS started her yoga practice in 1968, four months after her son was born and she’s been practicing ever since. She currently teaches all levels therapeutic yoga classes for adults, and specialty classes for seniors in the Hartford, Connecticut area. Beth is a certified yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists and is guest faculty at the Kripalu School of Integrative Yoga Therapy. She writes for the blogs, Yoga for Healthy Aging, and Accessible Yoga. Her master’s degree from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA is in Yoga Therapy and Mind/Body Health. Categories |
Enlighten Up! a Blog