Soul Food is a collection of loosely connected, life-affirming stories celebrating the tenacity of the human spirit in seeking and finding clarity, contentment and resilience in a complicated world. The stories span chronological, emotional and thematic arcs dotted with humor and moments of self-reflection. Some were inspired by real historical incidents that have been fictionalized. Others are pure fiction.
You can read the stories in any order, as each stands on its own, or follow them from first to last to discover connections between the characters, their struggles and their relationships with each other. For example:
These diverse, and sometimes quirky, characters must navigate the ups and downs of their lives by meeting a challenge, making a change, consciously choosing not to change, or finding acceptance and peace if change is not possible. The discussion questions at the end of the book are designed to help you, your friends or your book club think about and discuss the connections and relationships between the characters, as well as their journeys to self-awareness. This section also contains a glossary of some cultural terms that may be unfamiliar to you. Like a good Sunday brunch, which includes complimentary foods from appetizers to entrees to desserts, the stories are colorful, homey, easily digested and filling for mind, body and spirit. Enjoy Soul Food-and come back for seconds! |
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